Delusional Fantasy
One would have to ask any troll type that causes a lot of issues between people who apparently dwells in a delusional fantasy world taken from various fictional sources or taken from someone else, etc the obvious fact “If you were SO in love some male and so love with you, have all this that the other going on in life apparently attempted to front why have you never been seen with them let alone hassling people left and right myself included? Never at any events, birthday’s, holidays, parties, nothing of theirs? Don’t have bank, don’t have any real connections, don’t have an actual career or work credentials/record, etc. Matter of fact doesn’t even have mutual people anywhere near meanwhile the types they’re apparently psycho freak obsessed with have many females strewn here and there obviously?” The logic is they’re not never been, just like some same psycho issue towards me it’s an unhealthy BS made up fixation that isn’t based in reality. Unstable’s like that create stories and go through pseudo life acting out those stories they have created kind of like that ,Luke Magnotta, psycho that even when arrested for their crimes were acting out a series of films they were a fan-atic of. At most after annoying people they just play with them like a toy, that realm they do that to a lot of females that are about as cognitively low grade generally but it’s not actuality nor real. Types like that really need to speak to a therapist about their delusional fantastical self beliefs, perceptions, and their wannabe something they’re not so badly it’s sad honestly. It’s a psychosis behavior.
Courtesy of- Dr Phil
I kind of sense the last guy is acting and just seeks to be the center of attention honestly however an insane person will babble like that almost nonsensically, word salad as it’s sometimes called, etc.