Delusions of Grandeur
Deluded Beings:
“I am a great celebrity”
Everyone else in real life::: crickets:::
It’s almost pathetic when beings are that delusional that they live in such a delusional grandiose thinking melodramatic realm. It reminds you of those with histrionic disorder or something of just narcopathic if not actually have those issues. They’re almost to be pitied they’re so deluded to actuality and reality. Not to mention people actual people and actual life they’re off in their warped mindset about. Those types can’t live or do normal everyday things like opening a door. They have to make a big dramatic tale about how grand the door is, how they opened it, all the people who saw them open it, and how famous and seen they are for opening it. Those types take words and phrases out of context and place it on something that is quite common place/insignificant or isn’t what those words/phrases mean at all. It’s called word salad. Everything is a melodramatic fest they dwell in which is usually why they can’t obtain anything substantial in real life as people in real life let alone actual careers don’t want those melodramatics and zaniness in their lives.
Social media of course feeds these type of syndromes and problems which is the problem with social media.
Courtesy of- Medical Centric