Voicing Freedom
4 min readJun 11, 2021

Diary Of A Tired Black Man

“He isn’t going to get anywhere with those Girls… they want a thug. That one there he going to get it.” Diary of A Tired Black Man

Courtesy of- Tim and Karen Alexander

This was a 2008 documentary titled “Diary of A Tired Black Man” that wasn’t a rebuttal to Tyler Perry’s “Diary Of A Mad Black Woman” but more contextualization of actuality. It was speaking on the prevalent intrinsic idiosyncrasies of relationships in primarily Black American society but really any similar dysfunction. I wrote on this years ago circa 2011 I’d say. It was speaking on the aspect of “Angry Black Woman Syndrome.” What this is basically bitterness and the aspect of systematic dysfunction within the sectors of females that haven’t mentality wise ever grown up, taken responsibility for their poor choices, basically take out their anger, & dysfunctional choices on the world.. and especially towards Men and of course Women they are suspicious of as they think every Woman is like them. It is one thing if males have the same low grade mentality it’s another when real Men are perceived the same way by low caliber females OR vise versa. There is one segment when the director is speaking at a viewing of the film and basically states the truth to a group, “You’re basically mad because you opened your legs for someone who you shouldn’t have been opening your legs for in the first place.” As I’ve been pretty outspoken of when that mentality of females have come at me over equally low caliber mentality I don’t even know personally let alone been with, don’t be mad at me when they’ve sniffed around like that. They are most often just looking for fresh meat onto the next I’m aware of that. It’s a conquest and notch. I said this years ago it’s never a question of who with those kind. It’s how many? You’re basically mad at yourself because you spread your legs or got on your knees for males you shouldn’t have to begin with now you’re mad & bitter at the world for a decision you made knowing they weren’t any good. Some of that comes with how they’re raised or rather not raised. That element won’t even consider going with a decent human being in general they want the lowest form of a person. There was one gentleman that said something along the lines of this brand of chaotic lowness has to do with a sin issue.

Courtesy of- Money PPL

Courtesy of- Naturally Moi

If you’re straight in your life you won’t even be attracted to anyone that has no or little morals and or just isn’t any good for you therefore there is something missing in you to even be attracted to it especially repeatedly. If you are aware they’re a monger, player, etc then why go towards it believing it will be different for you then get mad when they do you the same exact way they have done to countless others? That’s just what they are and the life they live. You can’t turn a monger into a faithful house husband only God can change someone like that not you because they live in a world males and females use each other. It’s a cycle they live in. Basically to quote an old acquaintance you have to be on the same page with people. You can’t reach outside your mentality expecting something other than their behavior that’s not reality. If you know they’re a male wh__ basically don’t expect to be treated any better when all is said and done conversely like a prostitute. AND that is obvious in the caliber of females they choose or associate themselves with in that way generally. It’s like I’ve said before in that mentality it isn’t just you, it’s you and about a million others. 🤷🏽‍♀️

“A Strong Black Woman is a Woman who has weathered many storms but has not lost the goodness of her character.” Diary of A Tired Black Man

The documentary doesn’t bash Women it just gives a broader context on both Men and Women. As Chris Rock once put it in plain-spoken humorous terms “If you’re a crackhead be with a crackhead. If you’re a Church going Christian be with that, you can’t do both.”

There was also a sequel

Courtesy of- Tim And Karen Alexander

“Are we programming our children to be little drama kings and queens?” Diary of A Tired Black Man

Voicing Freedom
Voicing Freedom

Written by Voicing Freedom

Artivism, Human Rights,, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince