Truth of the matter is you can’t dictate freedom of speech to others no one can. That’s one of the few beauties of this country. People have a right to say what they want to say and do what they want to do without being dictated to or try to put a gag on it. What someone else says or does is no ones business as no one is really in authority of it. It’s called Freedom of Speech and it’s no ones business but the individual that says it. Don’t like what someone says, stands for or does in life simple don’t listen to it, read it or look at it because it is has nothing to do with you. No one is a dictator of censorship and free speech period. Micro law even isn’t because that can be a whole lot of problems against them legally on a macro level for trying to dictate, command the narrative, or invade on privacy laws of what people say, do , and locational — within the confines of opinions, beliefs, and self expression. For example when NWA as previously mentioned put out their track addressing police brutality against typically young Black and Brown people Men especially they had every right to say so. No one has the right tell people what they can and cannot say because it is against the American constitution and legislation. Unless one lives in a dictatorship country no one is in charge of that. That is what is wrong with the world now too many people in everyone else’s business and trying to dictate what people say, how they live their life, beliefs, political stances or anything else. If it isn’t your business it isn’t your business. No one is in authority of that not even law because Freedom of Speech legislation overrides it. It’s unlawful for anyone, institutions, or micro law even to try to control what people express within the bounds of self expression that’s just a fact. Only time any kind of opposition to that is valid is when false legal accusations are involved even then it’s a fine line because people have a right to express what they want more or less.
I actually couldn’t find the real life clip of the famous concert NWA did back in the late 80’s in which the local PD tried to dictate what the group played on stage which was entirely illegal on the PD’s part and considering it was one of their biggest hits of the time being there was no way they could flip the song anyway to put it in a more “tasteful” light considering the brutality PD officers still get away with to this day - that’s called censorship however their was a 2005 biopic about them that was pretty accurate to the true life event.
End truth is you can’t dictate against legislation that covers freedom of speech. Don’t like what someone puts out simple don’t read it, listen to it, watch it, or anything else. If it’s not your cup of tea per say don’t partake in it. It’s called self expression that is no ones business but those that put it out. Just like no one has the right to monitor anyone exercising their right to free speech because that individual or individuals can turn around and take action against those who invaded the privacy of the subjective persons thus legally sinking the whole institution or person based on macro law due to trying to essentially dictate that expression. If it’s put out on ones domain or platform unless it involves false accusations it isn’t your business it’s not even PD’s business because they don’t want federal law and constitutional law coming down on them for invasion of privacy for one not to mention monitoring/surveillance for 2 which is illegal. Not to mention it’s a waste of the laws time anyway. I know how that works like the back of my hand because of my work in the field. On the flip side that’s how actual criminals such as traffickers for example walk all of the time on a case because the local PD forwent lawful guidelines and policy IE surveillance of any kind, wire tapping, etc that is often not admissible in court any longer. To avoid all of this it’s simple don’t like expression don’t view it being no one is in charge of it within the bounds of their own space or domain per say. 🤷🏽♀️