There was a figure when asked about a known troll type ahole said this “I don’t like anything about them. I don’t like the way they walk, talk, how they dress, nothing.” There are beings like that who aside from usually having done something to you just give off that grimace vibe of “Get the hell away from me” just everything about them is 💩 vibes from head to toe and everything they touch in some form atrophies because they’re toxic fumes.
There was a clean drop dead beauty loved one (actually we look similar as we are related) told me the story about how she used to hang with a rancid skank type for a short time that was just a horrid being for the most part, liked to start fights with people, nasty, jealous of others, bully, dumb as a brick, actually had BO most of the time didn’t 1/2 bathe, built terrible, was not attractive whatsoever however when they would go out the skank would receive much more male attention and flirt with her over the clean loved one. The psychology of that is as aforesaid males can sense a willing piece of meat when they sniff out the unsanitary odor because they’re doggish males with no self respect as opposed to Men. No decent Men finds any nasty rancid Intellectually malformed being attractive, only a male that has severe insecurity issues obviously.