Does My Heart Good: Moral of The Story
It does my heart good whenever I have peeped any of my harassers based on a great deal of freak things I’ve received for a long time (provable) etc all the way back to the predator who victimized me they look like they’re decaying or have decayed practically, whatever brain capacity they ever had is entirely gone, they’re totally someplace else mentally, everything they touch comes to nothing. Needless to say they’ll have fun with Bubba and or Bubbet in prison or involuntarily locked away where they can’t wander around enact those kinds of crimes onto people. Their choice. You entirely harass people myself included you’ll pay the consequence for it just like anyone. All of them no cap bad if not rotting teeth, bad skin, broke as a joke, homeless or pretty close, miserable, everything. That is exactly what occurs when you mess with a child of God and continue to do so thinking you’re going to trump God or hurt innocent people in some way who actually are of God. You contend with God he’ll contend with you. Let this be a lesson you don’t play with God or anyone who serves him/lives it. You think it would tell them something that every time they mess with me aside from they’re added to a lengthy FED report of thousands of pages something goes even more haywire for them as far as I could gauge but that’s those type of problems choice, they sought out to destroy and it in turn came back 10 fold and will every time they attempt to harm me or my people. 🤷🏽♀️ God does not forget. What goes around comes around. It’s like a loved one once said “You’d think they would get sick of being reported to federal law, having to run from law, having to be paranoid, and being cursed out by annoyed harassed people.” There’s a scripture about how the wicked will never be able to yield anything in their lives because they aren’t remorseful they’re scornful and arrogant. The longer any problem is like that dwells like that the more they reap exactly what that type of mindset and self will reap. One would think it would tell them something that those they’ve tried to destroy myself included just keep going up in life (real life) meanwhile they keep getting lower and will continue to because they have no conscience obviously and haven’t admitted anything they have done that’s entirely provable. Nothing those types try to do in reality until that self realization occurs will yield anything substantial. They will always struggle and trip over themselves practically till then. If God has to remove everything away from those type of arrogant kind he will to make a point of “I am God you are not.”
It isn’t karma it’s God’s justice.