Don’t F With Cats

Voicing Freedom
4 min readJun 11, 2021


A 2019 Netflix documentary titled ,Don’t F__ With Cats, on the psychological sickos that can exist on the internet. Among the sadistic nature shown it also has several aspects of truths.

Courtesy of- Netflix

Like numerous professionals in the world being among those who have dealt with the psychopaths of all psychopaths in my personal and professional life I will say this much they love to play sicko games. That’s not unusual — they get off on attempting to frighten and power play over people often while playing the victim as ,Luka Magnotta, did at one point which of course is absolutely preposterous — it makes such perpetrators feel powerful and in control over others mainly because they’re entirely out of control of their own existences and absolutely small. They revel in attention for all the wrong reasons. Those types plan out their criminal intents, they reach for things to create dots in order to live out their fantasies whatever those might be- thoroughly calculating and strategic. They’ll pick apart stories and or lives of others to apply it to the twisted fantasies they seek to play out in reality.

Heinous criminals will sit around and map out all of their crimes instead of seeking what they really need serious help and putting themselves away thoroughly from the public. They like the chase as mentioned in the documentary. The fact is psychopaths like so get off on playing psychological games with people, law, anyone who opposes their warped nefariousness, etc the use of dummy accounts of course by such psychopaths to hype themselves, photoshop photos to create an image that isn’t real, be careful who you mob you may have the wrong information or wrong person, if a psycho will harm an animal it goes without saying they’ll hurt a person too if given the opportunity, they will tell on themselves almost always in a twisted way, etc. Credible professionals always have to keep in mind types like so seek to put on a show. They seek notoriety, fame, what have you for all the most atrocious doings. These prototypes of criminals are yes often these weeny wimpy looking beings they’re seldom the stereotypical media driven pattern. I don’t care if they’re serial killers, domestic violence perpetrators, rapists, legitimate stalkers, etc etc that is the most often reality. It’s like I’ve said before like most professionals I can deal with gangsters and street people because they’re full cognitive they just do their own brand of criminality for financial reasons and typically they don’t mess with anyone for the most part. They’re doing their garden variety criminality for financial gain. Nutters and psychopaths enact nefariousness for excitement and power- that is their currency. It’s the shock value for them that ups their ante. They escalate their ante essentially because like any addict they need a more extreme fix each time. They like to make people squirm, unsettled, they love to inflict pain on living beings in some way, the more “frail” the subjects the better in their mind, they seek to dominate over others, they’re often very vain, self impressed, all of that it’s almost the equivalent of a sexual kick to enact this kind of behavior to put it candidly.

Courtesy of- Bowie State University

The 11 Signs of a Serial Killer:

The most common signs of a serial killer are:

  • Lack of Empathy
  • Lack of Remorse
  • Impulsivity
  • Grandiosity
  • Narcissism
  • Superficial Charm
  • Manipulation
  • Addictive Personality
  • Lust for Power
  • Sensation Seeking
  • The Macdonald Triad

Professionals always have in mind these prototypes of criminals have nothing whatsoever to lose and they will absolutely exhibit such. Wisdom to the wise unless you’re a licensed top notch professional designated to a case you do not need to be hunting those type of beings or anyone for that matter because as formally mentioned in the first part of the post A. You might get the wrong person and you’re in boiling water for it.


B. You might become the target of something you are not qualified nor equipped to handle.

Basically people can’t have any idea what is being dealt with nor capable of on any alignment along those lines therefore let pro’s do their job — that point of this whole story is obvious at one point. It must be said when the perpetrator’s dysfunctional background began to be exposed it’s pretty typical of a violent narcopathic criminal HOWEVER with that being said when any perpetrator has those problems instead of placing blame and scapegoating — it’s that perpetrator’s or caregiver’s responsibility to get them some help before they hurt someone. That is where the line is when it comes to a perpetrator’s part in it. In one respect the whole thing is tragic that brand of criminal lives in such unreality, con artistry, and depravity in his case as all of that could have been avoided had proper resources as well as some sort of help involving isolation from society been sought before reality inevitably caught up — that those kind greatly run from. Honestly I didn’t perceive “meekness” in the Interpol interview with the assailant. I saw the usual arrogance, fakiness, cunning, and poor acting as most narcopaths have a tendency to do. 🤷🏽‍♀️



Voicing Freedom
Voicing Freedom

Written by Voicing Freedom

Artivism, Human Rights,, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince