Don’t Hear This
Don’t hear that anymore. I never hear Hip Hop like this anymore. Rarely, maybe some indie but not like this as brutally honest as it was and is. They were hard hitting and honest as aforesaid. Mainstream music in and of itself isn’t like this level hasn’t been in quite awhile. The artist ,Eve, recently said Hip Hop now is “boring”- it is. The mainstream pretty much all talk about the exact same things, same flow, same everything aka boring. There isn’t any power or spirit behind it let alone anything meaningful spoken of. It’s all just basic and been heard before honestly. In that day you had to be able to bring down the house with talent alone and move people now it just doesn’t not for very long anyhow. That aside they really were from the trenches, they weren’t born with a silver spoon in their mouth or close enough they were exactly from what they represented Compton.
Courtesy of- Movie Clips