Dumpster Fire
The dumpster fire that is the Grammy’s will be on tonight meaning I will be boycotting and openly drag it per usual as it’s also called Having-Given-Handout-Awards-To-An-Embarrassing-Predator-That-Has-No-Talent (supposedly which I have my doubts to some extent)-And-Continues-To-Feature-Them-In-Projects and other talentless goofballs that by/large didn’t earn them except for 1 actual musician up for over 10 Grammy’s thus I hope they win because they are great at their craft. They’re probably the sole real mainstream artist on the bill. I hope the ratings plummet even more than have been declining annually until they cancel it altogether because other than it’s the lowest denominator of the trash end of the “arts” it’s based on nepotism mostly. I will never in my life support them, they waste everyone’s lives for 2 to 3 hours. They snub more great artists out there than not both nomination and otherwise. According to reports as of the last 24 hours it’s “Already turning into a nightmare.” Good, I hope it goes down in a blaze to be entirely frank shame on them for ever featuring any known talentless predator and continuing to support/deal with them not to mention throw out award nominations like candy. Screw them and every talentless Sodom and Gomorrah creeps there.