Each Generation
It’s funny they said the very same things more or less about our generation (Millennials) as what’s being put out in the media about Generation Z which has been proven several times to be untrue by and large. On the contrary youths now are much more aware than probably any other past generations. They’re definitely much more conscientious about issues, health, wellness, advocacy, and the world around them. It’s interesting though every generation always has the same sentiments broad brushed of them. I remember the way my generation were portrayed in pop culture and the media one would have thought we were the coming of the antichrist or something. Of course the status quo acted like we were rampant heathens that practically needed to be tazed every few minutes to keep in line. Throughout history every younger generation is put down and crapped on by the older generations even as far back as Socrates. There exists documentation of the philosopher bashing the youths of the day. That’s just the way it is however that is not necessarily the way to a better world, how about supporting youths instead of stomping on them all of the time? How about offering sound mentorship if needed instead of being so hard on them? In my generation doing so did a great deal more harm than good. Healthy kids grow up and grow out of their childish thinking and behaviors typically, obviously if they don’t something is wrong. Besides you’re an adult a lot longer than a youth so allow youths to be youths, you can guide them but not shove anything down their throat let alone stomp on them, their potential, and the positive aspects of their respective generation. It’s about focusing on the positives rather than the generally minuscule negatives that are almost always magnified and metastasized into a problematic issue than actually exists be it by those of older generations, media, or pop culture.