Voicing Freedom
1 min read4 days ago

eBay — Factual Gang stalking

The eye opening account of the ebay gang stalking conspiracy that was factual. What occurs when emboldenment and entitlement is harbored by typically narcopaths. Instead of doubling down on their corporate operations to enhance their company’s advancement they like any entitled narcopath took it a step further to harass targets they perceived as a threat that weren’t in reality a threat. People critiquing you or “crossing you” purposefully or unbeknownst isn’t a license to break the law to infringe on the human rights of targets, harass, monitor, and stalk people in any sense.


Barely Socialable

A narcopaths mentality “They said/posted something about me or my business therefore I’m going to ‘bring them down’, defame, and ruin their life" instead of focusing on their own failings in life. They are childish crimes that will have any criminally charged eventually. That’s reality. Narcopaths will wield fictional characters and stories in reality to intimidate targets IE essentially having fantasy notions of their power or lack thereof that reality has consequences lawfully.

Voicing Freedom

Artivism, Human Rights,, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince