Ecstasy Symptoms
Indeed E users behave almost exactly alike. They are quite actually all over the place. They’re often freakishly animated… in not a healthy way among other obvious signs. Uppers if you will have an entirely different affect than other forms of narcotics. It is no wonder addicts behave so erratically and hyper well if you’re talking about a substance like Ecstasy, Cocaine, Crack Cocaine, Meth, etc along those lines it doesn’t result in people slurring like heroine and the like would rather it results in the user being overly hyper in a spastic kind of way, Impulsive, etc etc. When they talk of addicts flying they really are when an addict is using they feel invincible and untouchable.
Courtesy of- Addiction Center
This is what a users brain activity looks like
Courtesy of- JNM Journal For Nuclear Medicine