Enjoy Federal Prison Karens, Darens, and a Psycho Predator
Enjoy Federal Prison Karen harasser and a psycho from before. The beings it appertains to, get off my social media. They’re done. Stop harassing me ugly psycho, put a bag over the head and leave me alone — you and all of that are beneath me or anything I have to do with. You’re over, go away. I don’t want you nowhere near me. It takes a real village idiot to be well aware the feds are aware of them and they have hundreds of reports on them yet continue to hassle that person who has a valid disgust for them. That is a moron bluntly put. If they have something in their craw there is a contact tab other than that they need to get off my social. I’m not playing with them whatsoever. They’re done. I’d look at their obviously piss poor parents to implore “Is your kid stupid, low IQ, brain damaged, or narcopathic? Did you raise them to be that dumb?”