“Escape From House of Horrors.”
The courageous Turpin Youths who survived this horrendous abuse recalling their story, applaud-able, admirable, and nothing short of actually amazing. God bless them. May they have marvelous lives ahead of them albeit it has been made media knowledge the youths are still living in squalor having been re-victimized by the system which occurs all too often in abuse cases involving children and young people.
Courtesy of- ABC 2020
Children or even typically young adults who have been abused consistently, tortured, and or trafficked are very much like that. Those who have suffered that form of horror reputably don’t seem to know how to interact or speak with people outside of the abusive circumstance mainly out of isolation, trauma can have a part in that, and of course trepidation of what is a credible threat from the abuser or abusers should they be seen speaking with anyone other than the abuser if even that. That is quite common. The young Girl did an excellent job. Speaking with law enforcement on an issue is disconcerting enough without trauma and isolation — it is difficult enough for young people especially but to do so like that nothing short of commendable. She did very well. All survivors have been there to some degree.
Another component that is also common is how abusers will seek to create the facade of all is well and total innocence in their doings when it’s obviously not the case. Behind closed doors abusers of any variety are not at all what they wish to portray outside. That is common to put on a facade to the world that is obviously fake.
A mistake Survivors such as myself made like many in akin circumstances, was reaching out to those that it ultimately brought more problems, the wrong kind of attention taken the wrong way, and of course copy cat attention seekers especially on the internet just wanting credence that deemed to equate some minuscule happenstance acerbated by apparent narcopathic tendencies to anything what actual real survivors encountered and thus were seeking REAL assistance with. This was because law was out of the question or so it seemed to be. This is due to law wouldn’t carry out their job and even if they attempted to like all predators I’ve been outspoken of for years would as well as those on their side of their little web of fallacy would make life so impossible to the point of all legal ramifications would be dropped but that’s what predators and abusers do. They gang up and bully prey into silence or so they deem to. Abusers menace and intimidate in any way possible until the actual survivor is silent. That is common as well.
Courtesy of- GMA
In this young Girl’s case she did the best recourse in not hesitating to call 911 because often involving people other than that is not a good idea at all because they too maybe a predator to some degree, a psycho, OR it puts those in actual dire need out there in an unfavorable position for people to take advantage or copy cat for their own narcopathic dramatic attention seeking trollish-ness. Therefore any child abuse survivors, trafficking, sexual violence, REAL stalking survivors, domestic violence, etc going through it out there - we live in a more aware world now than 5-10 years ago please call a hotline, 911, etc at most do not go to arbitrary people and request any help. There is an acclaimed survivor leader of Sex Trafficking that is well known that relays her story in her speaking engagements. She speaks on like many trafficking survivors she ran away from her pimp/sex trafficker. Instead of running to freedom she ran into another pimp and his crew (which she didn’t realize at the time) thinking maybe these males might assist her, instead they gang raped her and of course re-trafficked her. That is why you don’t go to non law enforcement based people if it can be avoided because you don’t know what they’re into, who they are, or what they’ll expect in return. That is how runaways or homeless youths are recruited by pimps. They’re alone, vulnerable, haven’t eaten, tired, and here comes Mr. or Ms. Sly of “Oh I’ll take care of you” or “I’ll help you” instead introduce that youth into the sex trade. Moral of the story not a good idea at all. Thank God the young Girl didn’t walk up to a stranger at night in the condition she was in. It could have ended unfavorably for her.
Thank God this Girl was able to escape and recover her siblings.
Courtesy of- ABC News