Eternal Mana
Credit- Prince formally 0(->
“This fool named Trick want to stick her
Uh, talking more sh__ than a bit
‘Bout how he going to make P__ a star
If she come and sing a lick on his hit
P_ said “N__a , you crazy if you don’t know
Every woman in the world ain’t a freak
You can go platinum four times
Still couldn’t make what I make in a week
So push up on somebody want to hear that
Cuz this somebody here don’t want to know
Boy, you better act like you understand
When you roll with P__ Control.”
That whole album was brilliant.
That is exactly the attitude I’ve had because as we all know via movements like MeToo and the like there’s a lot of beings in, around, or desperately trying to get in that world who will take advantage of Girls and Women actually in it or lure one of us into something. They’ll use their social, financial means, etc standing in order to power play, manipulate, screw one of us over, affiliations, or something along those lines to do anything but empower, destroy sure empower or assist us into position we couldn’t get into our own selves no. That’s why for those of us in it we have to be very aware of who we’re around, speaking with, exchanging with, or have anything to do with career wise. A lot of snakes out there we have to be aware of. Everyone isn’t clean nor have noble intents to say the least. As one Legendary Designer featured in the “Remix” Documentary spoke on,
On the more assault side of things recently ,Lady Gaga, opened up about being raped by a record producer which sounds very similar to many stories out there including my own except I was sextorted would be a term and put out online against my will as where she was physically assaulted God bless her. Perpetrators like my own weren’t and aren’t even a reputable producer never been con artist sure reputable artist or anything never been. Many of us fall prey to those kind of seedy beings at some point usually when we’re quite young and placed in a position of isolation with the perpetrator.
Credit- Access Hollywood
This is why it’s important ALWAYS have a strong support system with you be it accompanying you to castings, auditions, on set, business meetings, recordings, etc etc never go alone. Never give trust away too soon in that realm no matter how great the talk is merit or not because it maybe just be BS anyway when all is said and done. Always Question everything do real research on people not just go off emotion and wanting a dream so badly you’d do anything to obtain it. And when or if the option is possible if something doesn’t feel or sound right get out of that space as soon as possible don’t question, don’t bargain, don’t nothing just leave — safety and self are much more important than getting into a place of “I either do this or else.”
Never let anyone push you into anything you don’t want to do, about, nor sounds reputable. You best believe after all I’ve been drug through a mutha f’r runs up on me in any way let alone in a negative way I do all kinds of background on them, if I don’t like what I’m experiencing, seeing, feeling, or reading I get far away from them like the plague. I’m not going through nothing like I’ve gone through the last over 10 years — since 2008 collectively ever again. If I had a dime for everytime I heard or caught the vibe of “I’m going to make you famous” I’d have at least a pile of money. They’ll make you a “famous” alright- financially ripped off, a porno, escort, or otherwise sex trafficked. Everyone says that- I’ve heard that sentiment several times in my walk through arts and entertainment land with fairly minimal results despite the extreme hassle, harassment, and perpetration. After all I wanted to dance, sing, perform not be abused, cheated, sexually exploited, harassed, or stalked with the intent of trying to destroy my life. All of you have seen how I talk to those in that industry regardless of “Who they are” when they come around and especially if they haven’t ever come correct - I don’t let anyone mistake for a second they can get anything out of me, jerk me around, take anything from me, bully me, or can put me into anything I’m not. Many have tried since quite unsuccessfully but I like many survivors are well aware of how insidious beings can be.
“And the moral of this mf’er is
Ladies, make’em act like they know
You are, was, and always will be P__ Control.” Prince P Control