You know what is cringing and recoiling for actual real activists and the like? When people are so inhumanely shallow and ignorant that they take something as horrendous as things like Sexual Violence, Gender-Based Violence, Female Genital Mutilation, etc that they make it all about them… I’m sorry (not really) but to give an example a small Girl of the 200 Million it occurs towards having their genitals sliced off with a razor blade while entirely conscious is not anyone’s to take as some interpersonal challenge nor something to pull from and exploit in some way for self gain. Nor is a Girl being raped, sex trafficked, child bride, beat, harassed, have chemicals thrown on them/maimed, legitimately stalked, murdered or anything above is to be brought down into such low minded self seeking glory of some kind. Want to do something worth doing in life? How about campaign for something like that, put time and energy into speak out, and stand against it for the right reason instead of nitpicking everything people who are actual doing something worth doing in life do or say as being an affront to you personally. Same with any sexual or Gender-Based Violence. Chances are what people do and say has 0 to do with you unless otherwise obviously said. To take what others have legitimately encountered as your own and dumb it down to impenitent self idiocy is beyond incredulous. People need to pull their heads out of their self absorbed narcissistic back ends to be blunt they really do realizing the world doesn’t revolve around them whatsoever they’re not the center of the universe and never will be period. Just like anyone they’ll be here on earth then gone.