Eve’s Bayou
Eve’s Bayou was 1997 film set in 1960’s Louisiana around the Creole community who in this story not so unlike actuality many take witchcraft and the like seriously.
Credit- Trimark Pictures
The moral lesson of 1997’s Cinematic flick Eve’s Bayou? Number one don’t mess with Witchcraft specifically solely for the purpose of harm, it will return 10 fold and not in a good way. Anyone I’ve ever had come at me that was into that if they weren’t irreparably mental before hand they sure were after. Their whole mental capacity gone after that particularly if they targeted it towards innocent people. It’s not infallible and has consequences. Those who do are the puppet on a string of something that corrupts already often unbalanced beings. None of those I’ve ever dealt with that fit that bracket wound up in a good place in life. Many of them wound up in a facility of some kind or unable to function whatsoever in life. I’m saying this as someone from roots that witchcraft culturally has been affiliated with it including New Orleans just don’t play with that crap or anyone who does. As the ending revealed in the story of ,Eve’s Bayou, be careful what you wish for or bargain for because it may just come true and the actuality isn’t what you believed it would be. You may just be wrong after all you may just have the story entirely wrong.
Number two don’t have affairs and cheat just don’t. Especially in the Black and Brown communities people end up roughed up or dead as a result all the time. Significant others in our communities will often become violent or even commit murder over their significant other messing with other people. I remember there was discussion for years about the fire lighting scene in Waiting To Exhale on whether or not a Brown or Black sister would actually do that. Many said they would while others said no they wouldn’t. For those who don’t know the reference here is the scene from the 1995 film.
Credit- 20th Century Fox
The premise for those who are not aware is the character ,Bernadine, husband is leaving her for a so so white female that I believe was his secretary therefore like many Black and Brown sisters she didn’t take it well. Someone had actually done a compilation of scenes entailing the song “Ring The Alarm” and Usher’s “Let It Burn” many years ago that was a great fit for the scenes but I’ve never been able to find it again. At any rate the clip is above.
In actuality placing all of that to the side when children are involved in that type of messiness it’s incredibly self centered, it’s horrible and humiliating for them to know their Mommy or Daddy is screwing around on their other parent or has. Much like witchcraft nothing good comes out of it. That’s the tie in there.