Exposed Videos
Every time I see those “exposed” celebrity videos that flip up in my feed I always feel like I’m listening to someone talking about how much they’re fawning over their childhood memories of “Did-ney World” … yes I meant to spell it that way. It seems like they just ramble for sometimes hours and jump from one conclusion to another meanwhile I’m sitting there as an intellectual with a hand on the side of my head with this look of eyebrow raised “You’re killing me right now…this is total BS” expression. It’s like something that mimics high spectrum autism that theorists see something in everything from the way some object is shaped to supposed hand signals and cards it’s like schizophrenic level madness. My whole rational thinking question to them would be “Did you ever think maybe they’re playing up some of that symbolism if at all to stir up questions and controversy? To obtain publicity?” OR does anyone think some of them take themselves way too seriously and get lost in all of that? I’m just saying.
I’ve spoken of before I’ve had theorists think and believe I was in the Illuminati when rationality is quite the opposite. Some of the targeting I’ve had it was like “Okay so she has Jewish roots. She’s been seen wearing black, she’s in the entertainment, fashion field and human rights not to mention accomplished (by way of reputable work.) OMG that must mean… ::ding ding ding like some epiphany out of brain fart-ville:: she’s in the Illuminati! I’m going to take her and a whole lot of people down but I wannabe in the (fictional) Illuminati too so I’m gonna follow non existent patterns and rituals! It’s a secret society OMG!” ::Face palm:: I’ve got 3 words DUMB DUMB and more DUMB. The stupidity of these delusional beliefs is insane it really is. Connecting dots that aren’t there is a sign of either a mental problem or a cognitive problem. People read into things too much they really do and it’s dumb. For all that brain power it takes to do that people could be doing something worthwhile like discover a cure for diseases instead of sitting their a$$ online trying to connect dots about people based off of some crazy conspiracy theories.