Fake-ness of Social Media
Upon the usual harassing material and the snideness of the usual serial old predator that is penniless it is inevitable to say “Any moron does realize those videos and photos are fake/views etc padded correct? It is very easy to do. They buy their likes, views, comments etc. That which they don’t buy they hack it. Those promo posters are also obviously fake, and that snide “I’m king crap” arrogant mumbling the same crap they always did for 30 years on repeat smirk laughing won’t be had much longer. No law or anyone of any standing believes them, they are a con artist and liar with nothing to their name from the slums of Oakland. No one believes them or buys anything they place out unless they’re a stupid troll or just low IQ. They’re a phony and always been one. Been one for 30 years. They don’t play any real shows, make any real money being they don’t have anything. They make up a life that isn’t valid and peddle altered photoshopped videos, photos, old videos, etc. They’re a phony period everyone is well aware of it. They’re a legend in their own mind as any predator is. Truth is they probably sit in the dump they’ve always dwelled in or a facility some place they come in and out of.