Fatal Attraction Knowledge
I’ve posted on this before but what knowledge can gained by 1980’s Fatal Attraction? Lol A film that has been jested about over the last 30 or so years in pop culture.
Courtesy of- Fandango
Number 1 that is an act not to even consider because for one married or in any relationship it is not worth destroying a family, a relationship, an actual life, and trust over. Besides in married situations it’s been statistically proven over 90% will not leave their significant other for the non spouse.
For 2 you can get a hold of a real vindictive nut when the relations do not go any further either on the others end or the adulterers end. Then of course there are those who create those scenarios in their imagination about people but that’s a whole other issue by itself. There was one female I’m aware of in which I kept receiving weird stuff appertaining to that recently openly said “I can be your worst nightmare” I’m supposing pertains to a male celebrity they were I would say indeed stalking and made up a relationship of all over social media that wasn’t actual. I suspected she came after me for a time. Beings like so often become manic when they can’t reach or can’t locate the person of unhealthy resentfully based obsession.
Three, harassment of course by either the other or the irate spouse. OR on the flip side the disloyal won’t leave the one they cheated on with alone. There are beings who indeed “Won’t be ignored” as one of the most joked of lines in a film said. There is way too many ways to have dramatic issues and resentfulness from. I’ve even had problems that beings assumed the wrong things or had me mistaken for a female IE mistaken identity of some female involved in that kind of activity especially on social media. There are beings who get something in their head and that is really what they believe about people or persons despite any factual proof, truth, and evidence attesting contrary to those beliefs about that person or persons.