As aforesaid in a nutshell
Courtesy of- Still Watching Netflix
A drama Jezebel gender regardless is going to live in their little delusional dramatic make believe play world. Let them because nobody takes them seriously anyway. To quote from ,Alice In Wonderland, when Alice confronted a rambling delusional character after she returned from Wonderland,
“You have to talk to someone about these delusions.”
That can be true for beings in the real world. They get lost in their delusions and living in their head based on having no purpose, life, or anything else OR they legitimately have something chemically or cognitively off about them. When a fantastical mindset impedes on real life that is when those who subscribe to that need psychological evaluation. When imagination infiltrates and impedes real life that is when something is extremely amiss. People like myself only put out what is 100% accurate, can be proven, everything we say to the extent above and beyond… without the usage of dramatics and fantastical hyped wording or anything else. In short delusional beings live in a delusional bubble world they probably always have and their family’s never got them any help or held them accountable in anything. They just unleashed them on the world and enabled them.