Females that act like 5 year old’s that make up all kinds of things going above/beyond to compete for some males that generally have a million just like them. It’s pathetic and scoff-able. They all say the exact same thing all of them like that insecure and have no idea who they are to the bone. One of the reasons I’m aware a lot of them are just making crap up for attention and to compete is because I’ve been involved with sectors they profess to be some big wig in and not only have I never seen them but none of have ever heard of them if asked. There are a lot of people who make stuff up online that isn’t valid. That’s why you have to be careful what you believe online. It’s funny how real one’s aren’t all out there like that while the posers are claiming this that and the other all over the place that isn’t even their lanes. I stay away from beings like that. They are the kind I’d just look at in reality with that not even side eye more like dead center “Oh shut up. For all it takes you to go at people and make up all this that in the other you could’ve put into becoming a rocket scientist which by the way I actually do know a few and have worked along side them in the Human Rights sector. In your dreams. Nice fake-ness anyone could make up by the way. Sit down and get some self security and identity. You females need a decent Man role model and grow up into what it is to be a Woman not some little pathetic Girls seriously.” I’ve worked with real professionals they look nothing like such beings, act like them, have more sense than them, nothing like them at all. I don’t allow anyone to put me in that. Like I have said before all of them can beat the hell out of each other for all I care bunch of nuts trying to make some point no one cares about honestly. Next