“You don’t have a history and what’s more beautiful is you don’t desire one.” Prince as quoted in the publication “The Most Beautiful.”
One of the things I was always warned about especially as a Christian Jew of various backgrounds that purity and morality is highly valued furthermore guarded coming up is keep in mind there are a whole lot of guys that seek to be a first for a Girl or Woman… or first at everything in general. It doesn’t matter what realm of life spoken of but it always seems like any Man wants to be first for typically a young Woman. I’ve been around all kinds or had them come my way it doesn’t seem to matter how out there and spread around they have been honestly the more so someone like me is a desire even if they say it’s not thus somewhere deeply hidden in themselves. Of course it also depends on background, ethnicity, region, etc. Granted for many it’s a notch and a conquest to be a first, it’s like a golden ticket or a unicorn if a Man thinks he could have a shot at being a first. Yeah they’ll bang the others left and right who have equally been around willingly or those who run them down but it’s been in my experience they really hone in on that young Woman that doesn’t live life that way whether or not they follow through attempting to get at one of us is a whole other thing however and of course that is where boundaries come in on our end. Sometimes this chase in some cases is Cruel Intentions harmful territory not respect and certainly not love territory but it just depends. I’ve had that happen several times over the years typically online then when I turned less than savory’s down or resisted it got real ugly from the questionable parties ends which always reveals they didn’t have good intentions anyway. There is an old saying about how a Man really doesn’t want to be tied down with someone who’s been hither and yon (I know it’s a double standard but it is what it is.) In 2020 I find this to be true still. Me personally I don’t want to deal with any Male like that who has a female here, female there, females everywhere, always at someone because as warped as it is those female’s will come after one of us in those predicaments as well as many times it get’s ugly from the various female’s ends not to mention you will always be in jeopardy of putting yourself in that situation only to be metaphorically defecated on because you shouldn’t have even been in it to begin with as a Woman of faith and principles. I have spoken of this before but I have actually had females come after me over males I did not even know. They just had my social media handles in their possession most likely by way of an aforesaid psycho exploiter predator who probably sent it to them filling their head with whatever - spreading false rumors and such basically which is probably where all the legitimately egregious issues over the years I’ve had online came from and thus where I would continually have to defend myself any way according to what I was receiving. There was a meme I reposted the other day from an abuse survivor (which is why I will not give out their social media link) that described it well below.
It is a considerable amount of drama Girls in addition to Women like myself do not have need of nor owed to us. We have had more than enough of horribleness come at us or inflicted upon us for prolonged periods of time. We are exceptionally above it, we always were. As a loved one remarked years ago “You don’t need to be around these crazy guys with a million females. You just need a normal guy, with a normal job, with a normal life. The guys in this scene (entertainment/the arts) are crazy..and their females are even crazier.. I’ve been in it for over 20 years. They have problems.” It is also not to mention young Women like myself are the bane of most females in those type of equations. Not all of course but a substantial amount. If you do not have that kind of history or want one it seems to offend those who do however in those cases most often that was their choice not something imposed. On the other hand there are Men who have certain feelings about dealing with a sexual violence survivor in whatever form that sexual violence occurred. Some people do not wish to due to the perception of “baggage” it entails, those of such belief feel they are not equipped to handle it delicately as it must be. It is just too heavy for them as a person to deal with. Honestly, I don’t fault those who have such a sentiment. At least they are honest to the fact they are incapable of giving one of us a healing healthy relationship that we in fact deserve. If they live a certain lifestyle that is not conducive to who we are or what we require out of life that is fine. How any of that becomes problematic not to mention even selfish when knowingly dragging one of us into spaces that are detrimental to us be it emotionally, psychologically, physically, or even sexually then it plummets into the domain of Cruel Intentions. That is when it becomes a problem essentially. You have to be on the same wavelength with people, that is in anything in life. You can not fit a square peg into a round hole. As a parent once said to a toxic male that kept going at me not long after my perpetration therefore I was in no shape to even have that in my life everyday constantly not to mention they were nearly 20 years my senior albeit I had said “No” many times, “You can’t have my daughter. She is not one of your wh_res (willing participants in those cases) you need to leave her alone. You are too old for her and she’s been through enough. I’m sick of you old wh_y men coming after my daughter.” Needless to say long term it really didn’t make much difference as that behavior went on for over 5 years but the point is that putting people in bad positions isn’t humane or constitutes a decent healthy person.