I’ve been followed before aside from a said perpetrator before. Let me tell beings something following me for negative wishing ill reasons bad idea because I don’t give 2 anything and will confront the follower. Contrary to frequently popular belief law enforcement doesn’t even carry that out because for one it gives away their job, only in seldom occasions admirers in some cultures as interaction between Men and Women is forbidden in some Brown and or Black cultures, Religions, a psycho with an axe to grind, a stalker, a disreputable PI being no moral PI would follow a person some likely creep hired, etc etc.
Courtesy of- Lifehacker
Courtesy of- Art of Manliness
I’ve had females follow me before in real life to see if I were with some male of theirs or they were under the impression was meanwhile I’d be sitting in some restaurant with a family member delighting in some type of food I may not ordinarily have accessible to me not with anyone at all like that. Again joys of the internet and those with no valid life reading into everything and anything others do staking out their lives and what they think it consists of etc.