For The Last Time
For the last time I don’t know if a group of who obviously have problems are receiving content as though it has been coming from me as I was receiving content pertaining to them, have me mistaken for someone who is a problem, OR from what I gathered some imp creeping around putting in calls telling some defamation that I wronged them when that is far from the case but I have never put in calls to any males in space never DM’ed them nothing inter-personally, that is not my style never been especially I do not know them personally, I am fairly certain if that is the case who has been doing so slinking around twisting scenarios they concocted because they are losers by self choice in life. Anyone that has to slink around and make up stories about people arbitrarily who obviously want to be left alone on my end to not only defame but get others involved in harassing someone or seek to is trash period. Like I said Jezebels of any gender get off on contention and causing problems. I don’t know how many times I have to say it, I will say this beings don’t have 20 and 30 warrants on them from various regions if they didn’t enact various crimes on people that are thoroughly provable. That’s almost unheard of. It’s not a game and I have all of the cards in that that aren’t a game it’s actual. Therefore those who have a problem need to come correct, there’s an email tab if anyone has something to say. There is a difference in assisting people who actually need it out of the goodness of heart and then there is using people for ill because you want attention for self. A big difference. Those of my background are aware people can only extend their courtesy so far as where side winding types do not they bawl and cry victim about everything and anything but what occurs is it backfires. And those parties cease trying to be sneaky and using social media to signal your demonic deviant ignorant selves. It’s obvious and it’s stupid to be blunt, AND cease seemingly pitting some rotten troll looking mornic village idiot imp female at me that frankly needs a bag over the head because they’re on their way to federal prison and or a psyche ward for the criminally incompetent. We are NOT the same kind at all. They need to get away from me. They’re over. Grow up.
The posing mask eventually falls off.