What’s funny to me and always has been upon having dealt with abusive narcopathic warped beings to the extent I have that I actual made a comparison log and posted it probably a few months ago about those types warped perceptions and what is factual when it comes to marks. It’s like targets like myself have all kinds of stability, attractive, real things in life going for them always have, accomplished, well spoken, educated, doesn’t even physically look like such problem beings meanwhile the problems are obviously the antithesis of that. It’s like the main perp I’ve been vocal of and theirs look like they came out of a dumpster to be blunt, dressed themselves in the dark, just wander around mumbling discombobulated if not psychoness lack of cognitive abilities always has but somehow they’ll trying to act all successful, better, and stable whilst going above/beyond to paint obviously stable marks as actually what they themselves are. Thus in cases like mine the buffoonish perp made themselves look like the fool they are in court people quite actually laughed them out the door. It’s beyond me or anyone with cognitive or critical thinking skills why anyone would even talk to them or theirs. You can’t have a healthy conversation or discourse with them they just go over into left field saying and doing this psycho weirdo if not Charles Manson type schizophrenic-ness to be blunt. If you’re a Girl or Woman they’ll start saying and enacting all this graphic sexual harassing sentiments… I’ve even seen them do so on camera to a female supposed reporter. Needless to say she looked really uncomfortable like “Who in the hell is this psycho?” Unless people feel sorry for them, they’re not that interesting, bright or anything else they’re really dumb, and obviously psycho/manipulative. Like their perceptions are so out in left field on marks it’s a “They live in a whole other universe of self delusion.” It’s quite almost hilarious in some ways actually if not for the nefariousness of their actions that is provable. But that’s what a Predator of any variety does they want to ruin the lives and character assassinate their marks who often want to be left alone by them and not hassled, harassed or anything else. 🤷🏽♀️ In short they’ll be one flew over the cookoos nest doing and saying all kinds of off the wall word salad jumbles meanwhile their mark is collected stable person with respect.