Game Playing
The problem with playing little boy little girl games is it catches up eventually like everything does. Those types need to grow up and stop pulling people especially with purpose into their BS that just waste everyone’s time, energy, and everything else. You just get to a point you have to grow up in life and stop screwing with the lives or anything else of other people. If people want to blow their own life that is their problem but to seek out people who aren’t into that or about that makes those that do an adult male or female child that needs to grow up. As always aforesaid don’t bring crap to my door I’ve got nothing to do with. I can’t allow or have that in my life or toward me. As I’ve always said who do too many think they are as I personally do not care who anyone “is” or thinks they are? The question is do you even know who I am? Obviously not to be going by some if not a lot of the BS I’ve been getting for a long time. They aren’t too good far from it. The arrogance and presumption to think otherwise is freaking out of this world. If they got something to say there is an email button for a reason they can bring it correct like an adult. I’m not afraid of anyone or thing. It’s like let’s go bring it correct. ::Shrugs::