Genghis Khan
Like 1 in 200 people through patriarchal lines Chinese and or Mongolian descent my umpteen Great Grandfather… and makes quite a lot of sense and explains a great deal about people like myself. Aka like I said we’re mean muthas. I’m sure they would be proud…the ruthless, merciless, monger he was. I’m pretty certain he’d say “That’s one of my descendants right there, right on you go Great Umpteen Granddaughter. Her Mother was the same way (probably given she most likely was a nomad Girl concubine of Mongolian descent.)”
Between promising unscrupulous harassment problems over the years “I’ll shove your head into a toilet if you keep bothering me”, “I’d push you off cliff”, or “I’d back over you roll forward then back over again” over the many years among innumerable more I’m certain that is one ancestor it came from. Between that the Moytoy, Shoeboots, Kiowa (who were known to lead slave raids all the way down to South America).. talk about territorial-ism, Lakota, Pawnee, maybe the South American Indigenous (Mexican), Roma, maybe Amazigh could be counted, and Chamorro lines I’ve no doubt about it. LoL Moral of the story just don’t mess with us. Don’t bother us like that nothing because obviously we come from peoples that are a great deal more savage than any problem’s wimpy ancestors to be completely blunt. lol
Courtesy of- TopTenz
Courtesy of- Discovery Magazine