Get Off
Dear Grandstanding Hills Have Eyes Screw Loose Karen Fake Jezebel Trend Chasing Tailgating Clout Chasing Harasser and Witchcraft Tarot Card Reading Idolatry Nothing Clique,
Some seeming trifling males can kiss your back-end all day long I will not you are paying for what you have enacted on me (provable) above and beyond you are not a victim get off my social media poser. I’m not letting up until you are put away you’re done creep inauthentic fake. Stop sending me lurk fake accounts and or porn. Last time I’m saying it. I don’t wish you well at all and you need to be locked up away from the public. They can go to federal prison too if they want to go that route their choice and problem. Have at it you all can go together if they’re down for that. 2 of their boys are already sitting in it they can all go for all I care at this rate. Hope those views and attention were worth it because you will go to prison for what you enacted on me all for attention because of self induced loser-dom at life. None of you are that interesting period let alone to chase or anything else on my end. Beings like you can’t stop God or the destiny of those who actually serve him. Go away get lost troll creep female.