Voicing Freedom
3 min readSep 23, 2020

Girl fight

When I was a kid this was a film after my own heart as I was a complete fighter still am on occasion. I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t. I used to warm up to the opening song actually.

I grew up having knowledge of and learning how to defend myself. When you’re not even 5 foot at the time, weighed less than 100 pounds, partially deaf by 12, have a history of health issues, AND lighter complected multi ethnic you better learn how to defend yourself. Therefore from age 5 and up I learned Karate, Taekwondo, Kickboxing, Defensive Training techniques etc. Needless to say no one ever put their hands on me probably because they’re afraid to. 😄 Verbally and so on another story because when you’re small people do think they can bully you sometimes. Not even the prolonged inch worm perpatrator from years back for valid continual problems from them and their fellow p__y imps because other than they’re a spineless whining coward they’re wuss like all abusers of any variety are. Which makes even more sense when I’ve said to them and their revolving door of imps “Hey you have such an issue and want to harm me so much obviously we can settle it in person let’s see how much of that your have in real life” needless to say in all the years they’ve never taken me up on it no surprise at all. Their attacks like their online imps have all been cyber based or if followed me across state lines staying far enough away to avoid physical confrontation because they think it intimidates me being a p__y can never face anyone on an adult level, as equal, or a level they’re incapable of. And as law goes you can’t put your hands on anyone unless they initiate physical contact otherwise that’s assault unfortunately no matter how much they taunt and seek to harm. It’s an unfortunate injustice that I think that law should be tweaked that if someone has been causing ANY type of harm and apart of violence in any form against innocent persons that person should have a right to beat their @$$ but that’s why we have the statistics we do of minority Girls and Women physically harmed or murdered because laws not only have failed us BUT falls on the side of the perpetrators. Back in the day you could just beat someone’s @$$ that was asking for it and that would settle it now doing so without entire self defense based causes a whole heap of trouble IE legal, financial, retaliatory, prison, so on so forth. It’s unfortunate in many respects but that’s the world we live in. Which is funny because we’ve probably seen the most violence in the world than ever before because perpetrators are aware they can enact their crimes and harmful acts onto others in entire impunity.

As for the film, during the “Latin invasion” or also coined as the “Latin Explosion” of the late 90’s early 2000’s in pop culture there was a surge of Latin based boxing movies. Another one aside from this was a 1999 film called “Knockout.”

Voicing Freedom
Voicing Freedom

Written by Voicing Freedom

Artivism, Human Rights,, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince

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