Girls of The Sun
Courtesy- Cohen Media Group
Girls of the Sun is a 2018 film albeit fictional account it is based upon the true events of Kurdish Women who fought against the extremist group Daesh (Isis) dubbed “The Sun Warriors.” In true life they were triumphant in defeating the regime that raped, sex trafficked, and committed genocide upon the Yazidi people resulting on over 500,000 fleeing refugees the rest massacred and or human trafficked especially for illicit purposes.
Courtesy- IMDB
The dauntlessness these real life Women and Girl Warriors exhibited is commendable and commanding of respect. Many of these Women fighters were either in their teens or 20’s. Many had previously been captured by Isis, and or sex trafficked, by the Extremist State, their families murdered, then the Girls escaped. The cinematic feature relays their harrowing stories of these Girls and Women.
“Our options are to die or fight. Each of us must ask herself: “How long can I take it? If an enemy comes, will I be able to pull the trigger?” The answer is yes. You are capable of anything. Your presence alone is a victory. The very act of refusing oppression is a victory. Fighting is a victory. It’s the enemy’s turn to fear us because we fear no one. When they hear our female voices, they shake in fear. We’ve been through the worst. What could be worse than that? All they’ve killed is our fear. With each sister who was captured, a warrior was born. And that’s what they’ll never understand: our rage to live.” Bahar Speech to her troops before going forward to remove a school from the hands of Isis.
Courtesy- The Upcoming
These were the brand of speeches the leaders would relay to their Women units in their fighting for their people and essentially country. These were Girls and Women that were not born as fighters but many became that after no one came to their aid following the attacks Isis launched onto the minority Kurdish population particularly targeting Yazidi’s, not the UN, not any of the surrounding countries, not the West no one. I’ve written on these courageous Kurdish and Yazidi Women before over the years. The resolve these young Girls and Women conveyed to the world in the face of extremism, oppression, genocide, and sexual slavery despite what the majority of these fighters underwent themselves was as well as has been nothing short of rousing in which the cinematic piece was grounded in their true life events thus was hailed as just that. The Women and Girls who fought against Isis are owed a debt of world renown and awards. They are true award winners. They basically single handled brought down one of the most menacing States of the 21st century that few would despite being preyed on the most. There was a root in Isis being afraid of Yazidi Women as relayed in the speech by the character of Bashar especially as one former Young Woman solider spoke of on the front line in a well known CNN interview I’ve re-posted before “They believe if someone from Daesh is killed by a Girl, a Kurdish Girl they won’t go to heaven therefore they’re afraid of Girls.”
One of the most profound scenes of the film is upon Bashar’s escape among several other Women a young Woman among them who was with child barely crossed over into the realms of safety when the child began to press. As if by prophesy shortly after crossing over into safety the child came and a Girl at that. It was as if God was stating “Isis didn’t win. Life moves ahead in spite of any of the crimes Isis committed against you.” As Bashar’s speech said “Our presence is a victory” being Isis inflicted every inconceivable atrocity to demolish the people.
It wasn’t until this year that any semi meaningful justice was brought against any Isis member… a near decade after they began their reign of terror, rape, pillaging, sex trafficking, and murder upon the minority populations of the region of Iraq.
“Women, Life, Liberty.” Girls of The Sun
Courtesy- CBS News
“These women are still alive. Standing In The Wind. Standing in front of everything. What they went through was unassailable. In one night. One Night more than 7,000 women were captured and used as sex slaves… and when I say women I am in denial unbearable they were also children. They were baby girls helpless beings whose identities were suddenly destroyed. Raped, sold, they were tortured more than half returned in the following months by escaping or being redeemed and some of them even found the courage of war. Our bodies and our blood feed the earth. Baby our baby. Our milk will be red. It will be spring at the time of our death. A new day begins. This will be a new era. Women, Life, Freedom.
I saw many wars. I saw many warriors but I was never a member of a women’s organization. You think you saw everything. You think you’re tough. You think you’re tired and suddenly do you remember why did you choose this profession? The power of those who are alive fills you suddenly with an absolute vital force. The thing that stays in my mind, there are women who were hunted. Those who raise their heads. If each one falls, the other one will stand up. For me a War Reporter I trembled at the sound of their words perform a song a powerful song an old song a song that encourages us to get up.” Closing Monologue Girls of The Sun