God Forbid
Upon finding out a pre-professional company who afforded my first few roles outside of competitive and performance as a kid, had closed due to people essentially deeming the training as “Old fashion”, “Too hard”, along other factors… I have to agree with ,Dan Pena, on the fact that thank God the America’s doesn’t go to war with China or Eastern Europe they really would eat our lunch. There really are too many snowflakes out there or rather snowflake parents who coddle their kids too much. My first reaction was “How in the hell are people going to make it through life these days? Life is hard, if life is easy, full of comfort, being catered to then you haven’t lived an authentic real life.” Ballet and the Arts are suppose to be difficult and hard, if it were easy everyone would be capable of it. To even obtain a gig in it is difficult, we’re often up against 1k plus people for 1 role, it’s a thank you next in many cases. What are people just gonna do? Whine and cry the first time they hear a “No?” Fall apart? That is life. Dancers do moves and recall choreography that can sever a limb or leave untrained people incapacitated you have to be mentally tough to any capacity let alone physically stamina wise etc. If you’re not disciplined technique or otherwise you’re not going to sustain any type of career or life for that matter. That type of training taught me how to think, how to process things, filter things, how to be strong, and later how to survive and thrive. You go into it willing to train, to perform, willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done well. We live in the Tiktok “dancer” era where a mediocre mimic dancer can create a full fledged profitable career just as anyone can call themselves a journalist or similar title when they’ve no reputable credentials or knowledge for it no structure for it. No internship, degree on it, never worked for it, nothing. It’s unfortunate what people think life is or supposed to be.