Goofy Harasser Mentality
A group of goofy inept harassers aware they are on a federal case file, had warrants put out, aware law is well aware of them and yet goofy-ing it like Goofy meshed with one of those pasty hills have eyes characters and had some being I have nothing in common with attempting to chat me on Instagram last night and my people receiving porn, hacked social media, etc etc. It’s called village idiot-ism. Thugs are one thing I’ve dealt with thugs a great deal they don’t enact that kind of psycho-ness psycho hills have eyes pasty beings and a psycho nothing Black predator from way back are another. I am not interested in such beings nor want anything to do with them. They are not in my life or on level. We do not know each other period, we’ve never met we had a brief brush on social media that is it. They are nothing to me never have been the end case closed. This is why the streets have their own rules if or when crossed because psycho beings law means nothing to them, law is a laugh because they’re again I revert to the Hills Have Eyes defective beings their mental and everything else state isn’t cognitive nor grasps anything. Brain damaged to be blunt.