Grammy’s postponed
Courtesy of- CBS News
Best news in the arts would be even more if they cancelled it altogether because if it was to be anything like the last umpteen years crap it honestly needed to be cancelled as society by and large hasn’t paid attention to it in years.. and the significant decline in ratings convey that. As Issa Rae recently spoke on the “music” industry in recent Variety it really isn’t even music anymore and hasn’t been overall for quite awhile. It’s full of body counts, can’t sing, can’t write, can’t play, can’t perform to save their life, can’t spit, sloppiness praised, backdoor deals, criminality, intimidation, and nepotism. It has nothing to do with music at all. There’s a reason artists, real artists like Eminem have openly trashed it as I’ve shared before and why it has had the lowest ratings every year. Last year was the lowest, it’s been that way every year. Forget the MTV “Music” Awards or Billboard has been even less. This is why talented real people are going into theater and dismayingly make a fraction of the majority of the Grammy nominated and or winning a-holes. There’s all this talent out there but the fame, money, and or accolades goes to those with the least amount of talent or merit when all is said/done. As it’s based on they added someone to their ever growing plethora of body counts, paid someone, intimidated someone, related to someone, cheated, whatever. He had great points on it.
Courtesy of- Culture Eye
Talent is better to go into musicals, get their intellectual self up, and get their life together having an anchored life than even attempt to go into that BS realm around those BS beings for the most part. It’s full of nepotism, a bunch of junkies and nuts to be frank. Talent will just be wasting their entire life and everything else trying. It’s a social club period. The truth of the matter is talent is wasting their talent and years trying. One Gentleman who became a Tiktok sensation that his single went to number 1 on the Country charts I believe it was quite by accident thanks to his 16 year daughter and actually performed at the New Years Rockin’ Eve this year. Not to mention he is talented. He had been through 4 managers, about 20 years of attempting to break into the mainstream music lane, I think the host said 4 albums before anything took off for him. That’s how difficult it is to get into the mainstream field as a talent while non talent get’s a pass to be entirely honest. It seems like the less talented the more likely they are to be given that platform, the more forget it nearly impossible in this day and age. Those acts not artists can be molded, shove coke up their nose to delude them as long as their career lasts. They’re puppets honestly. Basic is the new standard as far as that lane goes. I told the story of when I applied for a casting awhile ago for a “Girl Group” signed to a major label but they didn’t even really need to hear vocals according to the casting they were more interested in the head shot auditionees had…that speaks a great deal of the nature of that realm. I repeat as said by Nicki Minaj
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