Voicing Freedom
2 min readDec 27, 2021

Gremlin Spirited

I recently had someone say to me “Why do you have to be so mean about people?” About my saying some enabler of animal neglect needed to get up off their a$$ and call someone.

Meu: “Correction, I don’t like Gremlin spirited beings, aholes, and stupid beings. Decent people I don’t have a problem with. There’s a difference.”

I have to agree with Harlan Ellison on that speaking of the film. When they asked him if he liked Gremlins he said he didn’t because he didn’t support things that reflected mean-spiritedness and nastiness basically. He was very anti-menace and bullying. Actually I believe his exact quote was “Gremlins suffers from the dreaded Jerry Lewis Syndrome: it vacillates between a disingenuous homeliness and an egomaniacal nastiness.” In the actual world there is a difference between assertiveness and ahole-ism in fact there are very obvious differences. Being a 2 legged gremlin spirited being doesn’t make anyone assertive or anything else it makes them an abusive ego maniacal destructive ahole of any gender. There’s a difference between assertive and being a damn menacing bully. There are very obvious differences between the 2. Gremlin spirited beings create and look for a problem in fact they reach for it because they’re full of such detest, venom, and malevolence towards anything and one when all is said and done as where assertive people are intelligent and will avoid a problem if possible. Assertive people we don’t create and look for it and we don’t do any of the obvious things menacing gremlin spirited beings enact. Gremlin beings want to tear things apart for the sport and or the fun of it — they want to cause damage because as one such type I dealt with at one point called themselves “A pile of chaos” basically they’re chaotic and destructive. They’re like the joker they want to watch the world burn. These are the kind of beings who menace/seek to intimidate, harass people, abuse kids, animals, etc etc. Gremlin spirited beings like to strip delight, normalcy, functionality, etc away from those they prey upon. They’re the kind of beings you couldn’t in good conscious believe have well intents towards a vulnerable living being be it a child, animals, elderly people, etc and you can see it in their eyes too they resemble a Gremlin even.

Therefore that is the difference. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Voicing Freedom
Voicing Freedom

Written by Voicing Freedom

Artivism, Human Rights,, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince