You can gauge a guilty female as formerly said when they are outed with their slinking around they get dead silent. It’s dog behavior. I know a dog male or female when I see one no matter how much they attempt to cover themselves as something they don’t really go by. You gauge their shifty behavior and patterns. I can gauge an envious Jezebel calculating being in a heart beat. You can say all the orisons to a nonexistent deity there is that doesn’t make anyone a decent person. It’s the eyes that are a giveaway about a being, behavior, patterns, all that. Never trust or underestimate a slithering serpent that has caused more problems because they desperately wanted a position by making a point to tear other people down and do it slyly. Doesn’t matter much because either law, God, underbelly type females they’ve done dog-eat towards will get them and honestly they had it coming. Act like a creep reap what you did to yourself. Those kind maybe their “fans” and “supporters” they leached off someone else anyway can bail them out of prison. Nobody likes them really for a reason and it’s obvious they don’t. I’m the wrong one to step on or cross, they did it to themselves. ::Shrugs::