Guilty Parties, Justice for Survivors
As the world witnessed a few days ago R.Kelly has been found guilty on all of counts of Sex Trafficking, Rape, and I believe it was Racketeering if memory serves correct. I wanted to take the time to further send all of the survivors a congratulations and it is wonderful to see justice has been served. I am sure the multitude of Girls and Women were extremely relieved. It is terrific to see these perpetrators are being brought to justice rather than given a pass because of their social economical status, societal status, or any other status not to mention intimidation of survivors and witnesses that is entirely amoral and thus deserves to be held accountable for. It gives fellow survivors who are still waiting on justice a great deal of hope. I would say the #MeToo and #ActToo #TimesUp and #ItsOnUs movements have done great work in evoking justice for survivors and thus holding perpetrators accountable. It wasn’t until these movements came about survivors not only seemed to have our voices silenced but would be entirely shut out and or ostracized. Now in 2021 we have been heard, listened to, supported, and as we have seen with former heavyweights such as Epstein, Weinstein, Kelly, and a recent Fashion mogul ,Peter Nygard, the justice system has been compelled to to enact the job it was meant to and that is ensure justice as well as protect the actual survivors of these horrific crimes. Congratulations Survivors of not only R.Kelly but fellow survivors of similar crimes by predators because pretty soon we will all get justice.