Hair Analysis
Fascinating. I can’t agree or disagree because it’s subjective. I have kept my hair naturally long for cultural reasons. Our hair is our spirit (mana.) It is part of who we are be we mainland Indigenous and or Pacific. Asking a traditionalist or semi traditionalist to cut our hair is like asking a Man to castrate himself. Again the hair rule it is subjective. That is not my experience at all as a long haired Winyan based on traditional reasons and Men or anything else for the most part have far from fallen at my feet like that. I’ve practically had to scrap for every ounce of anything I have acquired in life. It has been a total uphill battle so I can’t say I agree with the analysis of life experience let alone dating experience honestly. As far as males go I have probably had some of the most horrible experiences of males it was almost like trying to Put me in my place or just despised me because maybe that is what they assumed based on the way I look, carry myself, hair length, my beliefs, etc. I had guy friends when I was real young but nothing like that. Hearing this is a real eye opener to me. It makes a great deal of sense why I’ve encountered some of the madness from the abusive and or disturbed I have from a young age despite the fact I am nothing like that because I suppose people believe and think that of someone with long hair who looks like me. People assume too much without actually knowing anything about that person.
Courtesy of- Anthony Spade