Halloween: Michael Myers Syndrome
Halloween the umpteen series is reminiscent of the narcopathic nutters that have habitually harassed me, my people etc. They’re like Michael Myers that continually resurface every single 24 hour period or weekly. Creepers that stalk my social media, life, have an entitlement to invade on my privacy, anything having to do with me or the losers think does. Stalking in every sense of the legal term obsessive junkie psychiatrically sick that have no life. The word salad diatribes they post following stalking my social media and real life outside of that is like a sicko game of “I’m monitoring/watching you, you better watch what you post, do, or speak within what we can hack” that law has proven has been hacked by those parties. They have covered the gambit of stalking and cyberstalking law has traced a plethora of crimes to. Creepy warped as hell and why I renewed a license to carry per direction of law as well as factual experts in the field. I’ve dealt with some whackos in my life but the 2 parties I’ve been vocal of have taken the cake and are pieces of work. There has been 0 I have posted or done in life they don’t send umpteen fake accounts that are blocked account after the other, post some word salad crap pulled from my social media or invading on my privacy, or done in life. It’s 24/7 constantly law has investigated for years and witnessed. The obsession towards me has been grimacing to speak minutely. Like any narcopath the factual subject of harassment and stalking attempts to call them on it they cry victim like punks which is why I have law enforcement handle it having collected thousands of evidence in black/white on them to where those problems can’t claim its false or attempt to project onto me as the factual target when obviously they’re not victims, victimizers sure victims no. Narcopathic lunatics on drugs obviously.