I was reposting today on my social media about the Hamsa as it’s been quite a popular symbol for awhile now. Being a Christian Jewish person of Amazigh and Sinti roots in my background aforesaid several times over the years that symbol is part of our faith as well as cultural meaning. I spoke on it recently does it in and of itself have any sway against the evil eye? Also called stink eye for those with Polynesian background as well. No, it doesn’t. It’s just symbolism nothing more. Only God almighty has sway over that and he does.
Courtesy of- Wikipedia
Courtesy of- Jewish Gift Place
I have owned several Hamsa over the years and have a necklace. Some really take the symbol having more baring on anything than in my faith belief actually does. It’s no different than having a Cross or a Star of David. It’s Faith-Based Symbolism basically.