A harasser wants your energy and time don’t give it to them. Report them, continue to block any accounts they create, you suspect they create, and do not engage them in anyway shape nor form. They obviously have severe hate, mental, and or emotional problems. There was a character in that film ,Girl Interrupted, that one who was severely anorexic and deeply disturbed would jabber BS at a Woman who was head nurse of the ward essentially. This happened while she was showing the main protagonist and actual creator of the memoir turned film as the girl jabbered offensive BS at her the nurse looked at the newbie who had a horrified look on her face in reaction to the offensive just to be offensive crap the disturbed Girl was jabbering saying in a nonchalant way “She thinks it bothers me.” That is a poignant quote, anytime anyone comes at you like that they want to get under your skin, is it harassment absolutely, do you react to it? No, because the more you say the more they’ll come at you. They won’t be laughing and being arrogant when law deals with them. Block them, report them, and next.