Speaking from an intellectual and professional standpoint when it comes to textbook serial harassment allow a harasser to be the aggressor. Let them convey to everyone exactly what they are and have been enacting. Say nothing, do not respond, do not interact, do not say anything. Let them show their a$$ and make a fool of themselves. Keep it moving entirely. People with anything in their lives do not have time to interact with trollish harassing nasty imps that seek to drag everyone to their level. People will catch on eventually. Keep it moving and stepping. They are not worth the acknowledgement or attention whatsoever. Harassers etc waste their own lives, time, and everything else when people do not care about anything pertaining to them whatsoever. I do agree with Dan Pena on that among several things and Tyler Perry has made similar points whoever can shift your emotional state, get a rise, etc has control over you and that is exactly why harassing imps do so. They want to get under others skin, that’s imp behavior to attempt to dig and be a gnat as Love formally known as Diddy once said “Gnats really can’t touch me.” They want a reaction. Harassing imps are the ones bloodthirsty level obsessed with the subject or subjects of hatred/resentment while the people of hate/resentment couldn’t ever give a damn. I’ve been harassed over the years by the nastiest most cut-throat of them, textbook harassment has been part of my every day life. Imps on the internet don’t bother people like me because we just don’t care. Report them, block them, and keep it stepping.