Best way to deal with a harasser a simple “F off” because the more you say or react to their often constant incessant unwanted attention the more they’ll do to get a rise then attempt to turn anything else said in total annoyance to say you did or said something you didn’t. A lot of those kinds are narcopaths thus think they’re actually entitled and doing the harassed a favor of constant taunting and surveillance. They often really view themselves on that level of superiority when God knows they aren’t. No doesn’t mean no to those types. Some take rejection very personal and think it means “Go harder” even when everything logically has told them no in some way or another. I was saying sure there ain’t no fury like a Woman’s scorn but there also is fury in those types who have been rejected and told no be they female or not. Those types get vindictive when rejected, blown off whatever rather than just walking away like an adult.
Those kind like to annoy people, go at, and dig at them, that’s the only way they get any acknowledgement in life everyone else just ignores them otherwise. Once someone rejects you and blocks you off in any way that’s it the end anything further is criminal harassment.