Harassment Chronicles- Truth Be Said

Voicing Freedom
2 min readJul 3, 2022


What I’ve been sensing and has been occurring some males that have no self respect or anything of moral value apparently want a thoroughly moronic bag over the head grimacingly unattractive dumb as a brick rabid dog to continue to come at and harass me. They can correct me if I’m wrong as there is an email on my social media if they have something to say. The dog problem and their imp dogs on social media got what they wanted attention at others expense when they’ve never worked a real career or anything else in their entire piteous existences, they’re going to rot in prison or a criminally insane facility where they needed to be a long time ago. Off the street permanently away from people from ever enacting that crap on innocent people ever again. This isn’t some problems playing villain off in fantasy world anything and hasn’t been, the repercussions for it is real. For all they enacted they will not walk I am going to ensure it. I don’t know if they work for these males, turned a trick on 1 of them in a bar bathroom somewhere being that the initial gauging I had of that problem and what occurs in the bar/party scenes from self induced brain damaged warped hills have eyes next to no hygiene being female types or what but either way that problem is not walking from all they enacted, they are not guiltless nor blameless. They’re over. Anyone else wants to go they can too. Either law will get that, God, life or all of the above. What you do to others comes back 10 fold especially anything enacted towards a Christian that abides by it. Their existences are over either way because they’ve never been remorseful or anything else. I hope law throws the book at them same with a perp from way back. Justice will be served regardless of who or what they play victim and piteous to. If they think they’re cold and subhuman I can be even colder when it comes to types that essentially prey on innocent people in some form IE people like myself. I’ve no respect nor sense of any human anything towards those sorts because they’re not in their mentality they’re depraved it’s obvious they are. I abhor beings that deem to hurt innocent people in some form. I find them repulsive and the lowest grade of anything. They went after the wrong one with all the credentials, background, and REAL connections with REAL pull/lawful authority not some losers that sit on social media and pretend to be something they’re not in their narcopathic grandiosity. They shouldn’t have enacted it, they did it to themselves. They’re well old enough to be aware they were enacting crimes.



Voicing Freedom
Voicing Freedom

Written by Voicing Freedom

Artivism, Human Rights,, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince