Harlan Ellison: Dreams With Sharp Teeth
“That’s why people are stupid because they’re not using their brain. If you don’t use a muscle it atrophies.” Harlan Ellison
I had posted about him several times over the years but the late Harlan Ellison was really a genius and of course incredibly what some would refer to as brash however you would be surprised how much you can learn from people with the temperament of Mr. Ellison. Now it’s not so much tv it’s social media that has I would say has more addictive qualities than tv.
People that actually knew or met Harlan Ellison frequently relayed he was a nice person. His whole issue like most intellectuals was stupid people, oppressive systems, and or bullies basically. This is why I’ve said for years he was a Man after my own heart in many respects. 😄
There was a 2009 documentary about him entitled “Harlan Ellison: Dreams With Sharp Teeth.”
“We have always fiercely been an anti intellectual nation.” Harlan Ellison
Entirely veracious.