The evidence of hatred online is clear. The whole problem with incel-ish type groups, pseudo communities, etc online that jeer on the incredibly hateful and disturbingly harmful to innocent people and the public is that behavior as we’ve seen doesn’t just remain online. It can’t all that insidiousness can’t remain bottled up in an unfulfilling space. If you give a psychopathic mentality like so enough of a push, enough attention from negative harmful behaviors, enough ideas, enough incentive it really is like giving a loaded weapon to a maladjusted kid. Their hatred and resentment will go beyond the realms of the internet. None of those types are harmless or a joke, they’re all harmful to innocent people and the public. That’s where the Elliot Rodgers come from, the Anissa Weier’s and Morgan Geyser’s, Timothy Mcveigh’s, Dylan Roof’s and so on to give many examples of individuals that their online activity to commit harm became an unfortunate reality. Matter of fact one of the sayings incel types tell fellow incels prior to committing some crime towards others “Be a hero” because in their mindset they really see themselves as some martyr on a campaign to go out in a blaze of glory. As an old friend used to say when being gone at constantly by obviously deranged I would say and on hardcore substances to boot “What would keep them from getting on a plane and coming after you if they got high enough? Nothing.” Myself having been in the field dealing with predators and crime for years it is just a fact. That mentality do not have a stopping point nor a point of any human respect. Point is don’t play with those types because they aren’t harmless anything but so honestly. Could they hurt someone if given the opportunity? For certain, especially if they felt glorified or attention given in some way for doing so. When individuals are full of that much disdain and hatred it doesn’t just stop on the internet.