Here’s A Bright Idea
A bright idea is if you don’t like something someone is saying, posting, doing or anything else why go above and beyond to read it especially if you’ve been blocked? The blockee obviously doesn’t want to be bothered like that. Especially when that person has received all kinds of disconcerting BS. And it has been made crystal they don’t want to harassed? That makes no sense. It’s like go do something worth doing in life and mentioning in life… hassling the hell out of people who have 0 to do with you isn’t it. It’s simple don’t like it don’t read it let alone continue to lurk and send porn, let alone anything else tech related text messages, some cases calls, emails, or freaky looking accounts to dig through others things. It’s invasive and annoying entirely. I know I don’t have time in a day to create various accounts to hassle the hell out of people never have, it’s immature, stupid, and freaky honestly. I also am aware of myself enough that I’m not going to limit or censor myself because someone else doesn’t like it, don’t like it don’t read it period. Only hateful’s and problems I’ve seen are those who I have every reason to believe had been hassling and giving a hard time for 0 reasoning. I do know this when I began blocking suspected problems the number of a lot of freaky content IE porn, in some cases graphic child porn (provable) and the like I was being sent began dying down therefore that tells me a great deal who may have been responsible for it. It’s a simple concept. Don’t harass and or lurk on people. Get a life really I want nothing anyone has or doesn’t have. The end case closed.