Heroin Warfare
Discussing the vast heroin addiction within and around the areas of Afghanistan, Iran, etc.
This is why it is extremely difficult for anyone who actually analyzes the trade to any depth, to have respect fully for those who operate narcotics. The major players money is blood money much like the deaths of those who over dose on their product or die in direct relation to their poisonous products everyday. Essentially their products destroys people, their lives, families everyday. It even turns children into addicts and or dealers. It funds everything from human trafficking to terrorism. What drives it from the perspective of those who manage it? 2 things, greed and an opportunistic frame of mind. The fact nothing is ever enough even if it means killing millions of people everyday or those who may as well be. Quintessentially the illicit business of narcotics is predatory. It most often preys upon the disenfranchised, the impoverished, the broken, the mentally ill, and the desperate.