Hooking Up With Guys For Views
Yes… beings do it quite a bit…quite often. They’ll hook up with rappers, personalities, celebrities, wannabe celebrities, drug dealers, pimps, etc etc for views, likes, comments, internet clout, money, fame, etc.
Courtesy of- TheAsherShow
Courtesy of- Dr. Phil
I’ve seen their stories before.
I like most young Women became aware of this over the years when I was either having problems come at me or observed the dynamic on social media. Most of the times I hate to break the news but usually what occurs when decent Women have females coming at us especially over males that fit into those categories it has to do with they have a sense of ownership over males because they’ve usually screwed them to be blunt for views, clout, money, etc. In brief those kind of problems are one of their willing harlots. Those measure of problems don’t just have that much entitlement to ownership unless they’ve done them typically. If your among those who experience a female or females that act some type of way every time a male comes around in any form that fits into that context that is exactly what it is. They’re one of their play harlots to be blunt. If it looks like a duck it’s a duck. You’ll see this frequently with instagram “models,” strippers, hostesses, influencers, bloggers that even exist anymore, in the hip hop realm, etc. A great deal of them are actually prostitutes, escorts, sugar babies, etc. Anything else is often their front. That’s how they travel around without viable means of income to do so, obtain things, how numerous of them live because they don’t make anything in reality off any of the other as far as living expenses not in the 2020’s or last 30 years. I’ve done all of that influencer squared up etc work I’m well aware what most make— those who are about the other don’t make the kind of money they profess unless they’re doing something else to be blunt and that’s usually exactly what it is. They probably did whatnot with those they’re territorial about once and that was it, a few times, or on a regular. Those are their marks they don’t want any female taking money from their supply. If you have those kind of problems from females when you’re not that, they begin getting a certain type of followers, comments, attention, etc that is usually what they’re involved in. I’ve dealt with it enough over the years from territorial Jezebels to be aware of that much. That is why squared non sex worker Women like myself have been solicited by males and targeted by females as much as have online over the years because they automatically equate internet presence as some sort of sex worker as there are a great deal of front females on social media who are that. If all the females talk the same, have the same sentiments, have a territorial thing pertaining to a male or group of males, etc common sense they all blow the same male or males most likely. That much I came to have knowledge of over the years. They have an ever growing group of harlots to be blunt they eventually trade out. ::Shrugs::
In actuality these males don’t give a sh__ about them easy come easy go other than an easy lay to be frank.
I’ve re-posted this before. He was on point about this. Quite true.