How To Catch Predators
There’s this ingenious Youtuber by the name of ,MamaMax, who catches child predators online and on apps as mentioned.
His approach is dark but to deal with pedophiles those with such capabilities and clearance have to be they’re evil beings. Aside from dealing with on a personal level I’ve dealt with them many times over the years and before they can even speak or type something just their presence is the most eerie sinister feeling therefore those who handle them can’t be mamby pamby all soft towards them because they really are super manipulative predators with no conscience to speak of generally. Besides look at the reality of what pedophiles, sex traffickers, and rapists do to often times very young people. What never ceases to amaze me is how pathetic and desperate these predators always are. They’re all like “Please don’t go. Where are you going?” ::Redundantly:: “I’ve never done this before” (That’s always a lie they always have many times that was only when they were caught.)
I don’t know why more law enforcement do not enact stings on these sick monsters and other people have to do so even when they have been made aware someone is in fact a child predator. Hats off to these Gentlemen for doing this.
Frighten the hell out of these sickos they need to be in prison at the very least no doubt about it.
To report child exploitation always go to Missing and Exploited Children and report it.